
19-REF-The Status of Prophet [Peace Be Upon Him] is like Chaudry of Village-Deobandi Aqidah-WHY THE DIFFERENCES?

2016-03-17 24 Dailymotion

A Prophet holds the same status amongst his ummat [followers] as is held by a chaudhary [headman] or a landlord in a village. [Taqwiyatul Ieemaan, pg 61]. [But the Deobandi Mul-laa, Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi, is the ‘Mutaa’ul Kul’ or the overall sovereign.]
Allamah Kaukab Noorani Okarvi
This is the same book Taqwiyatul leemaan, page 61, here is clearly written:
The status of a Nabee [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam is like a chief of his ummah like the “Chaudhary” of a village. Means they are using the word “Chaudhary” [Landlord]” to compare and understand the greatness of Nabee [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], can any Muslim say like this. Just imagine they are comparing the Status and Greatness of Prophet Muhammad[Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam], to “Chaudhary” of a village. Is this the respect of a person who has Ieemaan? This is the reference by Ismaeel Dehlvi whom they think very high of and call him Shaheed and thier Imaam [Leader], so Deobandi Wahabee’s should be called Ismaeeli’s in this regard as they consider him as their Imaam. Gangohi regards this book in very high esteem and says that keeping and reading this book is Great Sawaab. If keeping the book [Kitaab] e Kufr[Infidel] gets sawaab Blessing to its keeper then Faazil e Barelvi says very rightly:
Shirk Thehray Jis Mayn Taa’zeem e Habeeb
Us Buriee Mazhab Pay Laanat Kijiye
(The religion which considers Shirk for the respect of Nabee [Sallal Laahu ‘Alaiehi Wa Sallam is definitely worth curse)